Friday, December 25, 2015

Going West!

December 24th, 2015

My Friends,

It's been a long time since I last sat down and composed anything on my blog site. In fact it's been a couple years. Like anyone's life I have had many ups and downs, great adventures, and a couple pit falls. But for me as much as I hate it the pitfalls are life's way of waking me up to reality, teaching a lesson, and giving me the next stepping stone towards a new adventure. I began blogging back while I lived the male version Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Little House on the (Colorado) Prairie" . This blog has been in an odd way gratifying to write something up and be able to share it with my friends in the Eastern U.S. I know, because you've told me, that some enjoy living my adventures vicariously! I love that. I didn't have a real thought that the world wide web was just as it says... worldwide. I've had readers around the world. In Japan, Netherlands, Great Britain, Germany, Egypt, Israel, South Africa, Brazil, Costa Rica, and more. At one point, one hundred and eighty two readers checking the blog out somewhat regularly and connecting up by email. It was both astounding and very gratifying. I just can't explain how fun it is to share my stories. The compliments and feedback have always been appreciated and fun. 

That was all great except that life and it's challenges got in my way. With great dismay I had to leave the West and I moved back to the mountains of North Georgia for three years. I made a few dear friends in that time. But that wasn't enough to keep me tied there and keep me happy. My chronic depression is a terrible beast when it rears it's head. It's no secret. I fight it a lot. And I'm not at all embarrassed to talk about it. So about six months ago while tossing around in bed one night I asked myself what I was going to do to change things. I decided that although logistically and financially it would be one of my greatest moving challenges ever I was going to pack up and move back to New Mexico. I have lived all over the U.S. and I considered moving to several locations. But New Mexico kept coming up as my choice. You who know me know well that when I was living out West I was at my happiest.  

Fast forward to today and I am visiting in Mississippi with my family to share the holidays and save up some money. On top of this planned moved I need to buy a new car. In November days after making the decision to move my Isuzu Trooper was hit. I am just fine but the Trooper was totaled. Once I get enough cash for a car then I can start saving for my move. 

Here in Mississippi I have a handful of clothes, my computer, and my partner of fifteen years (OMG!) Bacci. All the rest of my belongings are in storage up in north Georgia. I'll need to go out West and find a new home then go back to Georgia to load my possessions in a rental truck and put my new car on a trailer. This whole adventure is a bit daunting for me to say the least. There has been and will be bumps in the road. But I know I can do this. I will do this. Much of my strength and determination is coming from you, my friends and family. I am well aware you have doubts. I'm aware that a couple of you don't think this is a smart move. (Come on, I've done worse!) But unless I am really wrong most of you have given me your love and support and approval to do this. A man can't be much safer when he's got all that behind him. 

I'm hoping to find my new home by Spring in the Santa Fe North Valley region. I am however open to other options and areas. I hope that I comfort some of you in saying that I don't have any current plans to live in a yurt again with a few hundred mice and their offspring! I do however plan to once again have my flock of heritage breed chickens and maybe, just maybe, a couple dairy goats again. Of course my sidekick and pooch Bacci too!  

The Land of Enchantment is calling me. I must go.

~Barry, Wandering Bear